jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Santander Tourism

Santander is one of the 32 departments of Colombia, located in the northeast of the country in the Andean region and its capital is Bucaramanga. Bounded on the north with the departments of Norte de Santander, Cesar and Bolivar, Antioquia on the west, south and east with Boyacá Boyacá and Norte de Santander.
The official name is the Department of Santander and is named in honor of the hero of the independence of New Granada Francisco de Paula Santander.
Santander is located in the northwestern sector of the Colombian Andes. Consists of 87 municipalities which are grouped in six provinces reorganized into eight development centers called provincial metropolitan area with its capital in Bucaramanga, Communard with its capital in Socorro, García Rovira with its capital in Malaga, Guanentá with its capital in San Gil Mares with its capital in Barrancabermeja, Soto North with its capital in Carnage and its capital Vélez Vélez.

We provide information on tours or guided tours for the effective 2010. This manual is a tool that will provide useful information and privileged destination for programming Santander (Colombia):
Together a wide range of plans for individual passengers and groups that will allow visitors to learn the most representative sites of the department of Santander, beautiful and varied landscape, with burning shores, deep canyons, valleys, rivers, serving as seats to picturesque villages and flourishing Cities that make their way in space and time.
The information contained in the manual includes the following services:

- Airport hotel in Bucaramanga. Transfers to other municipalities in the department after consultation.
- Sightseeing and shopping tour
- Around the City
- Country Lodging in Mesa de los Santos
- National Park and Cable Chicamocha
- Mesa de los Santos, Cable Car and National Park Chicamocha
- Club Nautico Acuarela - National Park Chicamocha
- San Gil - Barichara - Guane
- San Gil - Valle de San José - Paramo
- San Gil Unforgettable
- Rotary "Santander Classic" visiting Socorro - San Gil - Barichara - Guane - Bucaramanga - 5 nights / 6 days
- Rotary "Santander Historical - Cultural - 4 nights / 5 days
- Hotels in Bucaramanga
- Hotels in Barichara
- Hotels in Guane
- Hotels in San Gil
- Adventure Travel in San Gil

martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

contact center

contac center : A Contact Centre (contact center) is a centralized office used for the purpose of receiving and transmitting a large volume of calls and orders over the phone, which can be performed by additional channels to the phone, such as fax, e-mail , chat, text messages and multimedia messages among others.Also called "Call Centers" (call centers) the same are operated by a service company that is responsible for managing and providing support and assistance to consumers as products, services or information needed. Also calls are made on the basis of implementing the sale and collection of the company.Also called contact center (contact center) the same are usually operated by a large work space arranged for agents or executives contact center, equipped with workstations including computers, telephones, headset with microphone (headsets) connected to switches entry and one or more workstations belonging to the sector supervisors.

Call-center technology:Among the traditional technologies that are engaged in a call center are: the telephone infrastructure (switch, mobile, Voice over IP, tiaras or headbands), data infrastructure (computers, databases, CRM), the automatic call distributor inbound (ACD), an interactive voice response (IVR), call recorder (which often also records the screens of the agents), and if the call-center output is a marker or dialer, assisted automatic progressive or predictive.The artificial intelligence has led to new technologies also recently adopted such as: speech recognition, speech synthesis, and a human hybrid known as assisted voice recognition.The convergence of services such as voice, data and video over the same digital network requires the use of prioritization technologies, such as QoS and documentation packages, known as Packet Shaping, which guarantee the availability of critical services, not times can run too high.

What is Call Center?
Whenever there is talk of a Call Center, we refer to Call care centers, companies that have a number of people who are dedicated to take calls or make calls or even both tasks, the end of these calls can be for various purposes such as customer service departments, health complaints, technical assistance and support, departments that make surveys, telemarketing companies, etc.These people who make calls or take calls are the Call Center Agents.For these companies in particular is very important to know the quality data and the number of calls made or served, the reason is very simple, the main business of these companies are focused on making and receiving calls which control information that refers to calls is vital to assess the business and profit from these companies.This information is valued data calls and agents, number of calls received, number dialed, call duration, average time, response time, agent availability, etc. With this information you can know if it is performing well or not work and what are the critical points if any.

The sale and the vendor:Sale as any activity has undergone a profound process of transformation. The concept that the seller is a simple driver of the goods or services sold, and ceased to be valid.
The seller has become a professional must be prepared to resolve customer issues, linking closely with the market your business.You need to specify two aspects previously in relation to the subject is developing, "What is selling?" and "What skills should put together a professional salesperson?"1.Se can say that "the sale is a process that allows the seller of goods or services to identify, encourage and satisfy customer requirements with mutual benefit and on an ongoing basis."2.A professional seller, according to the authors who are specialists and experts, must meet basic conditions including the following distinctive qualities:■ must study continually to improve its efficiency.■ Training must respond to a consistent workout plan and organized.■ admit that hard work is the fundamental support of their business.■ Assign real value to their services.■ Maintain the integrity, independence and dignity.■ Comply with a code of ethics established and accepted.■ permanently aspire to the perfection of his work

Ergonomics and people:

:Ergonomics is an art that seeks to humans and technology work in complete harmony, designing and maintaining products, jobs, tasks, equipment, etc., Consistent with the characteristics, needs and human limitations. Let's consider the principles of ergonomics take many negative effects - in general - are in injury, occupational disease, or deterioration of productivity and efficiency.Ergonomics looks at those aspects that comprise the artificial environment created by man, directly related to the acts and gestures involved in any such activity.In all applications, their goal is common: it is to adapt products, tasks, tools, spaces and the environment in general to the capacity and needs of people, so as to improve the efficiency, safety and welfare consumers, users or workers (Tortosa et al, 1999).Is the definition of comfort, efficiency, productivity, and suitability of an object, from the perspective of using it.Ergonomics is a science in itself that constitutes the body of knowledge from experience and a wide base of information from sciences such as psychology, physiology, anthropometry, biomechanics, industrial engineering, design and many others.